Chemical and Materials Engineering (CME) Department Chair - The University of Alabama in Huntsville - Huntsville, AL


Title: Chemical and Materials Engineering (CME) Department Chair
About the University: The University of Alabama in Huntsville, classified as a Very High Research Active institution, offers academic and research programs in the Colleges of Engineering, Nursing, Education, Science, Business Administration, Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences. Huntsville maintains one of the highest per capita incomes and standards of living in the Southeast. It is a national center of aerospace and high technology research. Huntsville and surrounding communities present many opportunities for healthcare research and professional practice. The Huntsville area is also home to more than 50 Fortune 500 companies, the Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology, and several federal research facilities, including NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and the Army’s Missile Defense Agency (MDA), Materiel Command, Aviation and Missile Command, and Space and Missile Defense Command.
ABOUT THE COLLEGE: The College of Engineering currently has a research focus that addresses three National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenge problems: secure cyberspace; restore and improve urban infrastructure; and engineer tools of scientific discovery. In addition, COE has made recent investments in energy storage and systems engineering. The College of Engineering and the CME department is expected to play an important role in Biotechnology Education and Research, which has been identified as an area where the UAH campus will be a recognized leader. The College enrolls nearly 30% of UAH’s undergraduates in ABET-accredited programs in aerospace, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, industrial and systems, mechanical, and optical engineering.
About the Department: The Chemical and Materials Engineering Department has six tenured/tenure track faculty with research strengths in thermophysical property measurements, thin films science, biomaterials, gene expression and DNA diagnostics, catalysis, nanostructured materials for energy conversion/storage and immunoengineering. Current sources of faculty funding include federal sources such as the MDA, and industrial sources including CFD Research Corporation, Dow Corning and Polaris Sensor Technologies. The Department offers the BS (ABET accredited) and MSE degree programs in Chemical Engineering. For the PhD Degree, CME students have three pathways including two interdisciplinary programs in Materials Science, and Biotechnology Science and Engineering, and the Chemical Engineering option through the Mechanical Engineering program. Several students from the Biotechnology PhD program are pursuing their PhD dissertation projects working with scientists at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. The CME department has 216 undergraduate students and nearly 10 graduate students. At the undergraduate level, the CME department offers students the opportunity to pursue a two elective sequence in Bioprocessing and Bioseparations. In addition, all students in the CME department take a course that introduces them to a molecular understanding of biological systems.
Application Deadline: Preference will be given to applications submitted before November 15, 2016. However, the position will remain open until filled.
Job Description/Requirements: The successful individual should have an established research record in an area of biotechnology and understand it's role within an academic unit offering degrees in chemical engineering. The successful candidate will be expected to provide leadership to advance a campus strategic goal to become a recognized leader in biotechnology education and research. The successful candidate must be willing to and have demonstrated experience to help create and advance innovative ideas that cross disciplinary lines and impact education and research in chemical engineering. The candidate must have a PhD in Chemical Engineering or a closely related engineering discipline to warrant appointment as a tenured Professor in the Department. The Chair reports to the Dean of the College, and is responsible for the administration of all programs and budgets in the Department.
Application procedure: Please submit applications electronically (as one pdf file) to Complete applications should include a current curriculum vita, a position statement highlighting the applicant’s qualifications for the position (including a vision statement of anticipated department leadership in teaching and research with a special emphasis on biotechnology) and the contact information for at least three professional references.
The University of Alabama in Huntsville is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. Consistent with our core values of integrity, respect, diligence, excellence, inclusiveness and diversity, the University strongly encourages applications from members of all under-represented groups. An offer of employment at the University is contingent upon the results of a criminal background check.
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